Don't you find it ironic that the very people that are sworn to uphold and enforce the laws are the ones that most frequently violate them?
I watch every morning on my way to work, which is located near a trooper barracks, as the investigators and off-duty officers go flying by me on their way in while my cruise is set to 69 (favorite number you know). I make note of their vehicle makes and models, because if they ever cause an accident due to their reckless endangerment, I want to be prepared to stand in front of the judge and establish a pattern of behavior.
I mean, why are they in such a rush? Is work that great? Funny that I will get a ticket if I push it over 70, but none of their fellow officers or supervisors will. Yet they are causing more risk than I ever would, as half the time you never see them coming until they're on your bumper.